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Employee Spotlight: Q&A with Renae Shoulders

Renae Shoulders is a Valuation Coordinator in our North Olmsted office. She joined the CSS team in March of 2016.

Tell us about yourself

My husband and I became empty-nesters this year, my daughter and stepson both went off to college; I am very proud of them both! I have two very spoiled pugs, Linkin and Omar, they are my fur babies! I am a Browns fan, my husband and I have been season ticket holders for a couple of years now. I also enjoy camping and traveling, my favorite place to go is the beach!

How did you first hear about CSS?

A friend / former coworker, and I previously worked in this industry together, she saw the job posting and knew it was very similar to my previous position and sent me information. I applied, was interviewed, and was offered the position the same day.

What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

I would buy a beach house on the ocean. My beach house would be in North Carolina, either Carolina Beach area or Emerald Isle area. My family and I currently vacation there every summer. We rent an awesome house on the beach and eat great food, make fruity drinks, and are beach bums for a week! It is very relaxing and one of my favorite times of the year!

If you were to choose a superpower, what would it be?

I would choose to fly! I think it would be cool just to take off or hover over things to see them from another point of view.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pasta. I choose pasta over any other food. I love pasta and could eat it every day, it is a food I do not get tired of eating.

IMG_8194Renae and her daughter Kaylee.
IMG_4820-1 Image-1-1-1
Renae and her husband Steve. Renae's dogs, Linkin.

Renae, her husband, her daughter, and stepson Cory.




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