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Employee Spotlight: Dave Samson

I joined CSS because of the company’s excellent reputation for quality and communication.  Since joining, I have discovered why CSS has this reputation – the people!  The closing department staff whom I sit near welcomed me immediately with their warm smiles and friendly conversation which really helped me feel like I belonged. 

Over these first few months, I have had the pleasure to work with senior management, managers, and supervisors who have all taken the time to help me better understand our culture and our process, which in turn empower me to be the best representative of CSS I can be to our prospective clients.  I am very excited to be part of the CSS team and can’t wait to see the entire process of onboarding a new client and watching them grow to appreciate the partnership with all of you just as much as I do!

How did you first learn about CSS?

I learned about CSS as soon as the doors to the North Olmsted office opened. I had worked with two of the original employees of this particular office.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?

I am a people person and sincerely like to help people in any way I can. This fits well into my responsibilities, sharing ways for prospects to strategize and grow their business by leveraging the great resources and people here at CSS.

If you were to choose a superpower, what would it be?

I love this question and ask it of others just to better understand people. My answer has always been the same – immortality. I love to read classic novels and first had this notion of “never dying” after reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Though the main character had less than noble reasons for wanting this power, and ultimately regretted it, I was left with the feeling that knowing I could live forever would help me dedicate more of my time and efforts to helping others.