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Employee Spotlight | Kevin Lange

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Kevin Lange is a marketing content coordinator based out of Austin, TX. He received his B.S. in Advertising Management from Michigan State University in 2018. Kevin has roughly three years of experience in the financial services industry with an emphasis on content marketing and sales. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, swimming, hiking, working out, trying new restaurants, reading, [practicing] singing, and spending time with family and friends.



What motivates you?

The feeling of fulfillment associated with goal attainment. Maintaining this perspective seems to make goal-setting and goal-oriented actions far more seamless of a process. I also get a lot of fulfillment in helping others define their own goals, put plans in place to achieve them, and see the improvements in their lives as a result of these actions.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

Tony Robbins. I think there's a lot of great advice I'd get out of that conversation.

If you were to choose a superpower, what would it be?

Time travel, so I can see what life was like in different eras, as well as see how we evolve over the next few thousand years.

What are the three words that best describe you

Motivated, curious, and creative.

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