Michigan Insights

CSS in 2020: What’s Next on the Horizon?

May 13, 2020 - Posted by Maura Snabes | SVP, Corporate Counsel

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Thus far, 2020 has proven to be a year of changes and challenges—which means that CSS has seen a lot of opportunities to think “outside the box” to provide our customers with solutions to their challenges, while continuing to provide exceptional customer service.

CSS has an excellent commercial team consisting of seasoned title examiners, commercial closing agents and two attorneys, each of whom have been practicing real estate law for over 25 years. CSS has been insuring cannabis real estate for more than 2 years, in multiple states, as well as providing closing coordination services for such transactions. In early 2020, we were pleased to promote the senior closing agent in our Mt. Pleasant office, Alaina Wills, to the position of office manager and senior commercial closer. Alaina is the primary contact for all cannabis transactions and was trained by and worked with Beccy Clennan, who was the former primary cannabis contact at CSS. Dede Reece is our office manager in the Traverse City region and assists with cannabis transactions in and around her area. In addition, Maura A. Snabes, Esq., CES, NTP, who is the SVP, Corporate Counsel of CSS, continues to be an excellent resource for underwriting and transactional solutions to the most complex commercial issues.

CSS was one of the first companies to provide Remote Online Notary (RON) closings to its customers, having done them for several years, and was well-positioned for the COVID-19 pandemic that slowed or halted other title companies’ ability to close and insure transactions. It also has multiple Pavaso-certified notaries on staff to offer yet another convenient, secure, on-line platform for execution and notarization of documents. Our experience with multiple RON platforms makes the execution of closing documents easy and convenient for your customers.  

CSS insures transactions in every county in Michigan and in 21 states East of the Mississippi. Next for CSS is to obtain its licensing in New York and insure property in that state in 2020. Please visit www.visitcss.com for more information about our footprint and all that CSS can offer you and your clients.

If you are contemplating a commercial real estate transaction, cannabis or otherwise, please contact Maura at MSnabes@visitcss.com or Alaina at AWills@visitcss.com.


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