Employee Spotlight: Jill Jelinek

Written by Corporate Settlement Solutions | Nov 30, 2022 12:34:17 AM

30 years ago Jerome and Jill started up a business in Traverse City and over the years grew and developed it into what it is today.

What do you like most about CSS?

I have always enjoyed the relationships with other team members, and the community we have built at CSS over the years.  In December 1992, we had a small group of employees and one office in Traverse City; Jerome, Don Peplinski and I are all part of that original team.  I also have really enjoyed the variety of work I've engaged in over the last 30 years.  Started out managing the Human Resources and Accounting functions.  Transitioned as CSS evolved and grew to become part of the legal team overseeing Licensing, and working as a Paralegal for Jerome and Maura.  Started my retirement in June of this year, but enjoy being a part of the Traverse City and Leadership groups for the fun social gatherings.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned over the 30 years running the company?

  • Surround yourself with good people; smart team members with integrity who are willing to think creatively, work hard and do what it takes to get the job done.
  • Be open to transition; nothing stays the same.  Strive to be an industry leader and don't get stuck in a rut, thinking that we have to do something the same way it was done in the past.
  • Understand that there is no resting on your laurels.  Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and competition is constant.

Tell us three things most people don’t know about you.

  • I LOVE to read books; fiction (cozy murder mysteries, historical fiction) and non-fiction (American history, social psychology).  My Mom was an avid reader, and I've tried to pass my love of books onto my daughters. 
  • Growing up with two brothers and one sister, we hosted four foreign exchange students in our home at different times.  Two boys from Brazil, one boy from Mexico and one girl from France.  Taught me that people from all over the world are mostly the same!
  • I love animals and we have had dogs, a cat and horses as pets. As a child our family raised a Golden Retriever pup for a Leaderdogs for the Blind Program. Those pups are fostered by a family for one year, and then are sent to school for training and placed with their new owner.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

Abraham Lincoln.  He was an imperfect man who did great good in the world.