Employee Spotlight: Christian Hamm

Written by Corporate Settlement Solutions | Sep 28, 2021 9:29:04 PM

First, a little backstory...

Originally born and raised in Cleveland, I moved to Tacoma, Washington, and attended high school until returning to my beloved Midwest for college at Miami University of Ohio. Though my original intentions were to follow my passion for History and become a College Professor, I succumbed (like many of us) to the glitz and glamour of the Title Industry!

How did you start working at CSS?

My journey to CSS almost started approximately 15 years earlier as my division at a previous employer was almost purchased by Corporate Settlement Solutions. Sadly, that deal was never completed, and I now know what I have missed. I have been greatly impressed by the style and attitude of leadership here, and have come to enjoy my colleagues and the collaborative spirit that exists in this company. It is truly a game-changer once you learn what it is like to work for an honest employee-forward company that shares your values. Though the truth, enough kissing up!

Tell us 3 things most people don’t know about you:

I love life! My passions are American & European History and travel. I have been blessed with the opportunity to have visited 45 of our States and 30 different countries (though cliché, Paris is by far my favorite city). Covid has really put a cramp in my traveling style, and I look forward to a little more normalcy, and have Berlin, Germany in my sights for 2022! I am a big nerd and love all things Marvel, Dungeons & Dragons, and Star Wars!!! I have an unhealthy (obsessive?) relationship with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Democratic Party.

Any parting words?

My spirit Animal would without a doubt be Tigger (hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!!!) I view social media and smartphones as my nemesis in life…just ask Debbie Bartlett about her rants about my flip phone (Dude…it still works!)